Giving back to the community

On Thursday night, our Under 10 teams were given coaching by Grant Heywood. Grant is Director of Football at Pacific Soccer Club in Orange County, California.

Grant grew up playing for Longridge Town Juniors and then graduated into the reserves and then to the first team. At 19, he studied for 4 years to graduate as a PE teacher at the University of Bedfordshire where he won the University's captain of the year award in 2010.

After teaching and coaching while travelling around the world for 2 years in Ireland, Spain, Argentina and Brazil, he started full time coaching in Southern California in 2012 for U.K. International Soccer. In 2013, he was hired as the director of coaching for AYSO Pacific Soccer Club, in Orange County, California.

He is truly focused to running a program that is fully geared towards player development. Delivering a curriculum for all players and coaches to follow to enable the players to reach their highest potential!

Grant flew is from the states yesterday morning and felt the urge to reach out to the club that served him well as a junior and asked if he could help out with the little time he had in town.

It is hoped that he can run a coach's clinic in January before his return back to the States.
