On the 7th day of Xmas, my football coach sent to me.... 7 Shimmy shakes

Mum and Dad are out tonight, so it's time to do a bit of Shimmy Shimmy ourselves. Try this little drill out today.

Shimmy Allows Players To Use Body Movements And Quick Ball Manipulation To Explode Past Defenders.


Close control of the ball

Practice with both feet

Increase speed as you master the technique


Set up 2 cones 10m apart with 1 x mannequin in the middle (or any object that can be safely dribbled around). Player starts at cone 1 with ball and dribbles to mannequin before performing skill and continue dribbling to cone 2. When player reaches cone 2, they turn & repeat the skill back to cone 1. Repeat. (If you don't have cones any object will do)


1. Set realistic & challenging time limits to complete (Example: “Must complete 1 circuit in 40 seconds”)


1. Close control of the ball

2. Drop the shoulder

3. Fake to pass or shoot

4. Inside foot ‘cuts’ ball back across body 5. Explode away

6. Repeat opposite foot.
