‘Celebrating the Past – Looking to the Future’

To mark the 150th Anniversary of Longridge becoming an Ecclesiastical Parish, events are taking place throughout 2018 under the banner ‘Celebrating the Past – Looking to the Future’, with an invitation to the wider Longridge Community to come and share in the Celebrations.
On Sunday 20th May, St. Lawrence with St. Paul are hosting a Rounders Tournament and BBQ on the school field at Longridge CofE Primary School on Berry Lane and would like to invite you, your family, friends and team mates to join them.
Teams of any size between 9 and 15 can be entered or entries can be taken on an individual basis. Team entry costs just £3 per team with individual entry being only 50p.
All ages are welcome and teams can be made up of adults, children and all those in between.
Teams may contain up to 15 members with any 9 being on the field of play at any one time. All teams will all play each other until they have crowned one winning team.
If you would like to enter a team / individuals please email dotlittle003@gmail.com by Wednesday 16th May so they know how many to set up for. Alternatively entries can be made by messaging the St Lawrence’s with St Paul’s Facebook page.
The tournament is due to begin at 2pm with registration from 1.30pm. A barbeque will be available on the afternoon and teams are welcome to bring their own picnics.