On the 4th day of Xmas, my football coach sent to me.... Four Inside Outside
The selection boxes are empty and grandad is still asleep in his chair, so let's get working on our inside outside's.

Focus on the correct technique
Practice with both feet
Increase speed as you master the technique
Area 10x10x10. Player starts at cone 1 with ball and begins performing skill to cone 2. When player reaches cone 2, they turn & repeat the skill back to cone 1. Repeat this movement to cone 3 and back to cone 1.
1. Set realistic & challenging time limits to complete (Example: “Must complete 1 circuit in 20 seconds”) 2. Challenge players to see how many touches of the ball they can get in between cones.
1. Outside foot pushes ball outside line of body
2. Inside foot pushes ball across body
3. Outside of opposite foot pushes ball outside line of body
4. Inside foot pushes ball across body
5. Repeat
6. Increase speed.